Abdomen Holds

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Common Holds

  • Diaphragm and solar plexus
    Diaphragm and solar plexus
  • Diaphragm and solar plexus
    Diaphragm and solar plexus
  • Liver in side position
    Liver in side position
  • Ascending and descending colon
    Ascending and descending colon
  • Ileoceacal valve location
    Ileoceacal valve location
  • Colon
  • Liver and stomach
    Liver and stomach
  • Ascending and descending colon
    Ascending and descending colon


Organ Holds: Solar plexus

There is so much exciting stuff under your hands in this position:

  • Where walking meets breathing meets upper neck tension: The diaphragm, psoas, trapezius muscles all intersect here
  • Major glands: Adrenals and pancreas
  • Major organs: Base of the heart, liver, stomach and a little of the kidneys
  • Spine: TLJ, thoracic lumbar junction, the spinal bones change shape here
  • Nervous system: Solar plexus ganglion, end of the spinal cord
  • Intestines: Transverse colon, duodenum
  • Fluids: Aorta, vena cava, cisterna chyli

Take your time to enjoy the tones and pulls and twists in this region the nuances reveal themselves with time and practice.

Bi wiki hold diaphragm solar plexus.jpg


Organ Holds: Liver and stomach

Bi wiki hold viscera liver stomach 1.jpg

Organ Holds: Large intestine

Bi wiki hold viscera colon bilateral 2.jpgBi wiki hold viscera colon bilateral 1.jpgBi wiki hold viscera colon ileoceacal location.jpg

Treatment Notes

Principles of working with organs

There are some very clear principles to working with the organs that simplify the work and cut through some of the complexities.

  • Never forget the motility of the organs. Orienting to the inner breathing of the organs will naturally take you into the slower tides. The mobility (how the organ moves in relationship to other structures) and patterns of experience will often clarify when you become aware of the inner breathing.
  • The abdominal organs (except the kidneys) open like a flower around umbilicus. This can be a very beautiful awareness and really orientates you to the umbilicus as the natural fulcrum for the endoderm derivative organs.
  • The heart rolls forward on inhale in same way as the sphenoid. The heart and the sphenoid are the main structures that move in this way. It is a nice way of connecting their central importance to the functioning of the body. (NB the bladder, uterus and prostate also move the same way as the sphenoid, but it is easier to orient to this as opening around the umbilicus, see above)
  • The organs are a messy, non linear place. They can be strongly contrasted to the more linear spine and musculoskeletal system. The organs hold deep stories, often with a strong emotional context. The first way we received nourishment was via the umbilicus.
  • Keep an awareness of the body cavities and spaces when you work with the organs.
  • Relating to ignition dynamics can be very important in working with organs. Acknowledging the history of how potency spread through the thoracic cavity from the heart and the abdominal cavity from the umbilicus often deepens the contact.

Relevant Anatomy

Cranial intelligence topograhy of organs.jpg